1. Sean and Charlize
These two could definitely qualify (and probably win!) for the hottest, most sizzling couple award, if there ever was one. While Theron epitomizes the highest level of beauty and sophistication and Penn is, well, he’s Sean Penn, their initial coupling threw us all for a loop. Just when we realized that they were in fact for real and began grasping the fact that the possibility of such hotness is not a fragment of our imagination, they squashed our dreams with a pretty awkward, bordering on messy, uncoupling.
Their happy time provided for some insanely cute pictures of family perfection, with Theron’s little boy Jackson in tow and Penn, whom Penn, an experienced dad already, seemed to regard very much as his own.
Then came the ‘ghosting’ speculations, followed by Theron’s official statement that, “we were very, very new in a relationship. The stories that Sean was going to adopt Jackson, and all of that was not true. It’s not something that happens in 18 months. You can’t do that to a child.”
Adds Theron: “”We were in a relationship and then it didn’t work anymore. And we both decided to separate. That’s it.”
Alright. We get it. Things didn’t work out the first time around. Maybe it got a little too intense too fast. Maybe they couldn’t handle the amount of sizzle they were putting out there. Maybe the collective adoration of the perfect they exuded collided with what the fact that they are indeed just mere humans (albeit insanely attractive ones!), trying to get some lovin’.
Probably a combo of all that.
Let’s give it another shot you two, what do you say?! The world kind of needs it.