3. Ben and Jen
This is a tough one. And we all know why.
The transparency of the demise of what one seemed one of the most stable unions in a terribly unstable environment, pretty much left no doubt in anyone’s mind that a) Ben is absolutely no good for Jenn and b) his drinking, gambling, reportedly womanizing behind should definitely have been kicked out to the curb waaaaay back. That said, don’t we all kind of feel that this is not the end of their story?!
Probably because it isn’t.
In fact, these two seem thisclose to reconciling, following a what seems an endless amount of family time spent together on both actors’ movie sets, European getaways, where they’ve clearly put the needs of their three children way above the intense issues they’d faced as a couple.
Grrrrrr! Even though Ben was a bad bad, BAD boy (and probably always will be!), we just can’t bring ourselves to hate him. Even after all the terribleness that he’s inflicted onto us….er, Jennifer. But kind of us too, since he really burst that bubble for all of us when all the ugliness came out and Jenn’s heartbreak really was all of ours’ in a sense.
So, while we all seem pretty conflicted about the desire to see there two back together fully, reclaiming the title they once held, we need Ben to a) get his act in as close of an order as humanly possible b) if he breaks our girl’s heart again, the current state of not being able to hate him will quickly shift into full-blown hate and he’ll never get us back!
Hear that Benjamin?!