5. Michelle and Jason
The amount of surprise that came with this coupling was, simply put, astonishing. Right? The tiny, fragile looking (only on the outside!) Michelle Williams and the mega-likable but not really the type you’d lose your mind over (sigh, Heath Ledger, sigh) Jason Segel. It was one of those couplings that have “WTF?!” written all over, until they start making crystal clear sense. To the point when you almost can’t imagine them with anyone else. That type of sense.
Sadly, Segel’s struggles with alcoholism reportedly played a key role in their split.
Our wish here is twofold: we hope that Segel wins this ongoing battle with this unfortunate disease. For himself, first and foremost. On top of that, if there is a chance that the spark these two shared and the light that they brought into each other’s lives could be somehow reignited, well, let’s just say that we would be insanely happy about that. Almost as much as the two of them, we can only assume.