If you’ve been toying with the idea of making some radical changes in your life, we hear ya, and we’ve got your back all the way. While you marinade on those decisions for a minute, why not take some fun, baby steps in the change department by sprucing up your living environment with some fresh decorating ideas that will not make a dent in your pockets? Sounds pretty fabulous, doesn’t it? Yes, our thought exactly. Even if it’s not something you’ve been planning on, we invite you to take a quick look at our top picks for quick and easy, stylish renovation ideas that will not hurt your budget – the only hurt you may be experiencing is some facial muscle pain that may come as a result of the smiles you’ll be projecting once done. That’s a promise. Without further ado, here are Indulgenie’s 7 picks for stylish decorating ideas that can be achieved on a super tight budget (or completely budget-less!)