Kourtney Kardashian Kontinues summer frolicking with model boy t…er, boyfriend, Younes Bendjima
Why, you may wonder, is this news?
Glad you’ve asked.
Perhaps not so much news, more of a life lesson of sorts. Or, a lifestyle lesson. Or, an attitude lesson? OK, you get the gist.
The single mother of three, the eldest Kardashian sister is putting the rest of her clan to shame, when it comes to sheer self-indulgence (see where we’re heading with this?) as she’s a) proving that a mother of three in her late 30s can rock a serious bod, an even more serious attitude and get herself a much younger man to frolic with and just enjoy the heck out of herself on, well, pretty much any hot destination de jour!
The on and off couples’ latest playground?
St. Tropez.
Kardashian’s outfit of choice?
See below.
Thanks for the lesson, Kourt! We’re taking notes, doll.