We know your fashion game is totally on point! Hence the reason to start the new year with some proper insight on what are bound to be the biggest trends and give you a great timeline to make room in your closets for some fresh duds (while donating the pieces that you will definitely no longer be wearing to those in need, natch!) and let your inner style goddess come out and plaayyyyy..and win, of course!
Let’s get crackin’ on that list, shall we?
1. Do the Polka!
Start raiding your grandma’s closet for some vintage polka dotted items, stat! The Spring/Summer runways shows we’re dotted with the pattern that is – oh you guessed it –no longer reserved for the kindergarten crowd, only! You’ll be wanting to get spotted (too easy?) in some polka dotted items and soon, so, start getting some good pieces in order.

2. Color me Green!
Soooo, the good news for you green-lovers (and we mean the actual color, not cash or the environment, but you’re very welcome to love those as well!) is that you will be hitting the trend spot heavily if you ensure that your wardrobe contains a good number of pieces of this particular hue. What is the hue in particular, you may wonder? Well, let’s just say that you can’t go wrong with a strong grass-y shade (think Charlize’s look at the Golden Globes) or, the well-established neon green, seen all over the place back in 2019. Yup. Neon has definitely not overstayed it’s welcome, fashionistas say. Expect more of it in 2020.

3. Feel the Fringe!
You know how they’re calling this decade the “roaring 20s”? Yeah, we know, kind of annoying. But, we can’t help but wonder if the designers (and trust us, almost everyone has been throwing it into the mix!) had this in their heads, when they were fringe-ing up their pieces in S/S 2020 collections? Guess we’ll have to ponder that one for a bit.

4. It’s not a coat. It’s not a dress. It’s both. Ha!
OK, so, the coat dress may not be for everyone, granted. It’s one of those either-you-dig-it-or-hate-it type of items. We’re not even sure that we’re crazy about it, TBH. It is, however, a major trend for 2020. So, it may be worth a try, n’est pas? Think of it as kind of a good guessing game piece for a hot date – is she going commando under there, or isn’t she?

5. Pedal to the Metal!
Well, not just the metal, but any type of shiny, reflective fabric, really. Though, metallics do seem to be staying well put in the game, from several seasons past. Run with it and you won’t go wrong.